My Sgt Pepper’s cover

There are 64 people on the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. If the record were to be released today, and I were able to choose who should appear on the cover, here’s who I’d pick:

  1. Buzz Aldrin
  2. Anne, Queen of Great Britain
  3. Louis Armstrong
  4. Neil Armstrong
  5. Johann Sebastian Bach
  6. Ronnie Barker
  7. Dave Brubeck
  8. Lewis Carroll
  9. Catherine, Duchess of Cornwall
  10. Winston Churchill
  11. Arthur C. Clarke
  12. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  13. Ronnie Corbett
  14. Oliver Cromwell
  15. Marie Curie
  16. Miles Davis
  17. Charles Dickens
  18. Bob Dylan
  19. Albert Einstein
  20. Elizabeth I
  21. Brian Epstein
  22. Richard Feynman
  23. Michael Flanders
  24. Benjamin Franklin
  25. George Gershwin
  26. Eric Gill
  27. Johannes Gutenberg
  28. George Harrison
  29. Jimi Hendrix
  30. Catherine Hepburn
  31. Henry VIII
  32. Carole Hersee
  33. Alfred Hitchcock
  34. Howard Hughes
  35. David Jason
  36. John Maynard Keynes
  37. Stanley Kubrick
  38. John Lennon
  39. Abraham Lincoln
  40. Ada Lovelace
  41. George Martin
  42. Chico Marx
  43. Groucho Marx
  44. Harpo Marx
  45. Karl Marx
  46. Paul McCartney
  47. Marilyn Monroe
  48. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  49. Isaac Newton
  50. George Orwell
  51. Jimmy Page
  52. Paul Rand
  53. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  54. William Shakespeare
  55. Joseph Stalin
  56. Ringo Starr
  57. Igor Stravinsky
  58. Donald Swann
  59. Nikola Tesla
  60. Alan Turing
  61. Mark Twain
  62. Beatrice Warde
  63. George Washington
  64. Oscar Wilde

That’s 55 men, 9 women; 10 were living at the time this list was compiled. (The similarity of these figures to those of Sean’s list is entirely coincidental!)