About the domain name dpk.io

This website is hosted under a .io domain name, nominally representing web sites associated with the British Indian Ocean Territory, consisting of islands the United Kingdom illegally occupied in the 1960s by evicting their native populations against their wishes. The islands are used exclusively by the British and American military forces. As such, I have no connection to the territory, nor do the vast majority of the owners of .io domains. When I registered the domain in 2012, I was unaware of the history of this land.

I support the right of the Chagos Islanders to return to their home islands, in accordance with the decisions of the High Court of England and Wales in 2000 and the Court of Appeal in 2007, and the decisions of the International Court of Justice in 2019 and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in 2021.

I discourage others from purchasing .io domains and hope those who already have them will migrate away to other top-level domains. As soon as I can find a suitable replacement, dpk.io will be retired in favour of an alternative domain name. (From now on I intend to use a domain name of some actual relevance to my places of residence and citizenship.) The domain was last renewed in 2021, up to 28 September 2027. I hope this will be the final renewal and that all dpk.io services will have migrated to other domain names by that date.